Photographer Demo
Template designed for professionals and entrepreneurs who want to showcase their work and services as photographers, designers and video makers.
Start building your website in just a few clicks and attract new customers with a lasting online impression. Choose one of styles or cutomize easily your site following your ideas. More demos are coming soon.
Sled template is written in semantic valid and clean HTML5, CSS3 & JS code. It’s Super easy to customize so it’ll suit your needs.
Template designed for professionals and entrepreneurs who want to showcase their work and services as photographers, designers and video makers.
This template was created for any commercial business such as florist, herbalist or animal and nature consortium.
This Template is build for any Halloween business company. It has available all section for events, parties and costume shop activities.
Our Template is perfect for creative Gyms and any Agency. All agencies can use this template for all purpose.
It is a modern design with all the real features for modern Bars, Bar Suppliers and Nightclub companies.
This Template is build for any Restaurant and Catering business company. It has available all section for Catering business.
More Feature are Coming Soon.
Choose one of styles or cutomize easily your site following your ideas.
We used latest React version ^18.1. It's a awesome design made by React.
Sled site will always looks cool and great on any mobile device and browsers.
Sled is faster loading speed. Create now your theme so much faster.
Sled optimized for search engines according to the latest SEO trends and guidelines.
Sled Template is perfect if you like a clean, modern and creative template with high performance.
The Sled code is awesome well clean code. And it's customization is very easily.
Google fonts are integrated with the theme. You can use any of them that goes with your branding.
Customize your site easily using Font Awesome Icons. Sled is already configured with Font Awesome.
Compile layouts for your website by harnessing the power of Sled dynamic content data functionality.
Well organized and up to date. Sled is well documented and it's customization is very easily.
We provide support to all customers. You can buy Sled without hesitation.
With its easy navigation and high performance, your website will be fast and work perfectly on any device thanks to its full responsiveness. Sled site works seamlessly on any device, will always looks cool and great on any mobile device or browsers.
BUY NOW !Sled is designed to help your business reach optimized online visibility through high-quality SEO optimization. Sled Page speed is so faster and takes byte times for load each page. It's is very easy to use, loads faster and provides better performance for your website.
Do you still have doubts? Check out our FAQs to see if we can help.
Welcome to Sled React Multipurpose Template designed to go well with various Template, Gyms, Restaurants, Bars and much more built with ReactJs. Create and customization your website so much faster, it works too much faster loading speed and you can works too much comforfaqility. This template NOT use jQuery!
It's very easily, but first You'll need to have node and npm on your machine. So Please open your command prompt and check your node and npm Version. Then install the depentencies and after you can be run your project easily. Read the docs included in the package for more details.
After purchasing the product if you need any support you can be share with us via the our TemplateMonster author profile and we will get back to you as soon as possible, within one week from the request for support.
You can get the updates whenever we update Sled. At any time you can get new updates with more features and bug fixes.
Yes, You can change or use any component as you like or create a new component. Build and use the components on the pages however you like. By the way you can build your website which you are choose without limitation.
Yes, Why not! It was designed for this. You can build your project and complete the website as you like.